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CaltechAUTHORS: Import and create batched records

Repository of research papers authored by faculty and other researchers at Caltech. This guide answers many of the basic questions users may have.

How to create records using imported citation information into CaltechAUTHORS

A. Import the saved citation file:

  1. Use a previously-created citation file in, for example, EndNote or BibTeX.
  2. If necessary, create an account in CaltechAUTHORS
    • The library may need to enhance your account’s privileges to allow you to deposit. Let us know if you do not see a Manage Deposits tab after you log in the first time
  3. Log in uand go to Manage Deposits
  4. Click on "Import Items"
  5. Using the Browse button, locate and open the saved file you downloaded to your computer
  6. Select the import format appropriate for your downloaded file and import your saved file
    • Do a Test Run the first time you use this format to make sure it works
    • Choose “Test run + Import”
  7. The Manage Deposits screen will re-appear

B. Attach the content files:

  1. Open up each record individually using the magnifying glass icon
  2. Click on "Edit" (gray button at top of box)
  3. Choose "Upload"
    • Using the Browse button, locate and open the content file you want to upload to this record. Click the blue "Upload" button
    • Repeat this step as many times necessary if you have multiple content files you want to attach to this record
    • Again, we highly encourage including author’s accepted versions in addition to the published versions due to publishers’ restrictions on making their published content openly available
  4. Modify the Options for each content file as necessary
    • Change the Content/Version field by making an appropriate selection from the pull-down menu
    • Fill in the free-text Description field as desired
    • Click 'Update Document" once done

      C. Review and modify the Description metadata:

      The library will enhance the metadata in the record as necessary.  You do not need to add anything more unless desired.

        1. Click on "Description" (at top of box)  to verify the bibliographic information you imported in the earlier step
        2. Scroll down the screen to verify that everythig looks fine to you
        3. You may add the author's contact email if desired.  This is one field the library will not modify
        4. If you want to add a comment or note for the library staff, use the Internal Notes field
        5. Click the blue "Save for Later" button when done

        D. Deposit record to library for final review and release:

        1. From the Saved Record screen, cllick the blue "Move to Review" button
        2. OR From the Manage Deposits screen, click the green checkmark icon to the right of the entry in your list, then click "Deposit Item Now" on the next screen
        3. If necessary, the library staff will contact you about your submission.  If not, you're done. Congratulations and thank you!

        Exporting from EndNote

        If you already have an EndNote library developed and want to export references for import into CaltechAUTHORS you should export the records as a BibTeX file. 

        1. Select the references you want to export.
        2. Click "File->Export"
        3. Choose the location you want to save the file to.
        4. Select BibTeX Export as the Output style.  (If BibTeX Export isn't one of the options choose "Select Another Style" and select BibTeX from the longer list that pops up.
        5. Click "Save"

        Exporting from Web Of Science

        Important caveat: If an article has dozens of authors, the bibliographic citation may not export.  If you run into this problem, please contact the library

        If you have a single entry you want to export:

        1. Check-mark entry you wish to save from your search return list in Web of Science
        2. Scroll down to bottom of screen to Output Records box.
          • Step 1: leave as is
          • Step 2: Select "Full Record"
          • Step 3: Select pull-down menu marked "Save to other Reference Software" and change to "Save to BibTeX"
          • Click "Save"
          • Save file named "savedrecs.bib" to wherever you normally save your downloads
          • Delete your Marked List to avoid accidentally downloading the entries twice

        If you have multiple entries you want to export:

        1. Check-mark entries you wish to save from your search return list in Web of Science, then click "Add to Marked List" (see top of list)
        2. Go to Marked Lists (top of screen under yellow tabs)
          • Step 1: Check-mark all boxes
          • Step 2: Select pull-down menu marked "Other Reference Software" and change to "BibTeX"
          • Click "Save to File"
          • Save file named "savedrecs.bib" to wherever you normally save your downloads
          • Delete your Marked List to avoid accidentally downloading the entries twice



        1. Retrieve your article(s) in PubMed
        2. If you have a single entry to export: 
          • Click on "Send to" (upper right corner of entry)
          • Choose Destination: File
          • Select Format: XML
          • Click "Create File"
          • Save file to your computer
        3. If you have multiple entries to export:
          • Click on "Send to" (upper right corner of entry)
          • Choose Destination: File
          • Select Format: XML
          • Ignore the Sort function
          • Click "Create File"
          • Save file to your computer


        Profile Photo
        Kathy Johnson
        Sherman Fairchild Library 1-43

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