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The Caltech Collection of Open Digital Archives (CODA): the Institute's collections of faculty research publications and other content supporting the mission of the Institute.

Active Repositories

Main Repositories

  • CaltechAUTHORS
    • Research publications by Caltech authors. Mainly articles, but also books, book chapters, technical reports, conference papers and more. The repository is updated continuously as departmental and library staff add available and recently published documents.
    • We encourage self-deposits by Caltech faculty and staff. Basic entries with attached content files are accepted, and library staff enhance the records as needed.  A guide, workshops and direct assistance are also offered through the library.
    • Previously separate technical report collections have been merged into CaltechAUTHORS.  Browse the Collections in CaltechAUTHORS to find out more.
  • CaltechTHESIS
    • Includes all Caltech theses written since 2002, as well as digitized copies of earlier theses. This collection continues to grow as we add both new and older theses.
    • Students self-deposit their theses.  A guide, workshops and direct assistance are also offered through the library.
  • CaltechCampusPubs
    • General publications by Caltech faculty, staff, and students, that are of interest to the campus community as a whole. These include regularly published titles such as the Caltech Catalog (course catalog), the California Tech (student newspaper) and the Big T (yearbook). The repository is updated continuously as departments and library staff add both recently published and digitized older documents.
    • If you are a member of the Caltech community and would like to have your documents added to this repository, please contact the library.
  • CaltechDATA
    • Storage for data created by Caltech researchers and shares their results with the world. The self-service repository enables researchers to upload research data, link data with their publications, and assign a permanent DOI so that others can reference the data set.
    • Repository can link with a Github account to automatically preserve software releases.
    • Find more information about the repository and look at frequently asked questions

Caltech Archives Repositories

  • Photographs and Images Collection
    • The Archives maintains an online database of more than ten thousand images from our collections. Images relate to Caltech but also to the history of science in general, and they represent people, places, fine art, rare book illustrations, and historic instruments.
  • The Paul MacCready Collection
    • Documents most aspects of MacCready's personality and career through a diverse array of documents, media, objects, manuscripts and printed material spanning over seventy years (ca. 1930-2002). Especially prevalent within the collection are papers and ephemera from 1977 to 1985 during which time MacCready was working on his human-powered airplanes, the Gossamer Condor and Gossamer Albatross. The papers also document his work in alternative energy solutions.
  • Donald A. Glaser Papers
    • ​​Donald. A. Glaser (1926-2013) completed his PhD in physics at Caltech in 1950 and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1960 for his invention of the bubble chamber. His scientific work transitioned then to molecular biology and later to neuroscience, leading to significant contributions in both fields. The Glaser Digital Collection unites two physical collections owned by the University of California, Berkeley and Caltech. It is extremely rich and significant and includes papers, diaries, notebooks, many photos and slides.
  • George E. Hale Papers
    • George E. Hale (1868-1938) was an influential astrophysicist and scientific administrator. He quickly established a distinguished scientific reputation for his invention of the spectroheliograph, then made important contributions to the study of solar phenomena. He was the leading figure in the founding of the Kenwood, Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories as well as the California institute of Technology, Huntington Library and the National Research Council.
  • Oral Histories
    • The Caltech Archives Oral History Project began in 1978 for the purpose of recording the personal memoirs of the distinguished scientists, teachers and administrators of the Institute. To date, approximately 170 interviews have been completed and most are open to readers in transcript form. Oral Histories Online, begun in the fall of 2002, brings selected interviews to the public in digital form, chosen from the fields of biology and environmental science.
  • Lab Notes Online
    • Lab Notes Online presents historic scientific data from the Caltech Archives' collections in digital facsimile. Beginning in the fall of 2008, the first publication in the series is Robert A. Millikan's notebooks for his oil drop experiments to measure the charge of the electron, dating from October 1911 to April 1912. Other laboratory, field, or research notes will be added to the archive over time.
  • COVID-19 Experiences
    • Beginning in April 2020, the Caltech Archives is collecting the experiences of the Caltech community on campus, at home, and elsewhere during this unprecedented time. These contributions are those that we have permission to publish; they are part of a larger collection which will be available to students and researchers in the future.

Caltech Magazines

  • Caltech Magazine
    • Caltech Magazine, formerly known as Engineering & Science, is a quarterly magazine, founded in 1937. Produced by the Caltech Office of Public Relations, its goal is to present to a scientifically literate audience a lively picture of the intellectual life and research activities at Caltech and to promote interest in science and scientific issues.

Caltech-hosted Conferences

  • CaltechCONF
    • Contains papers delivered at several conferences hosted at Caltech.
    • We have merged multiple separate Caltech-hosted conference collections into CaltechCONF.  Browse the Conferences in CaltechCONF to find out more.

Merged Repositories

Merged Technical Reports Collections

We have merged multiple separate collections into the main document repository, CaltechAUTHORS, to consolidate publications by Caltech researchers together into one database.  They can be retrieved by browsing the Collections in CaltechAUTHORS :

    • CaltechACMTR
      • Applied and Computational Mathematics Technical Reports
    • CaltechASCI
      • Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative
    • CaltechBOOK
      • Books authored by Caltech faculty
    • CaltechCACR
      • Caltech Center for Advanced Computing Research Technical Reports
    • CaltechCDSTR
      • Caltech Control and Dynamical Systems Technical Reports
    • CaltechCSTR
      • Caltech Computer Science Technical Reports
    • CaltechEERL
      • Caltech Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory Technical Reports
    • CaltechEQL
      • Caltech Environmental Quality Laboratory Technical Reports
    • CaltechGALCITFM
      • Caltech Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories (Fluid Mechanics) Technical Reports
    • CaltechGALCITSM
      • Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories (Solid Mechanics) Technical Reports
    • CaltechKHR
      • W. M. Keck Laboratory of Hydraulics and Water Resources Technical Reports
    • CaltechLIB
      • Caltech Library Papers and Publications
    • CaltechMALN
      • Munger Africana Library Notes
    • CaltechPARADISE
      • Caltech Parallel and Distributed Systems Group Technical Reports
    • CaltechSOLIDS
      • Caltech Research in Solid Mechanics Technical Reports

Merged Caltech-hosted Conferences Collections

We have merged multiple separate Caltech-hosted conference collections into one repository, CaltechCONF.  They can be retrieved by browsing by Conference in CaltechCONF:

Finding the materials

The archives are compliant with the Open Access Initiative-Metadata Harvesting Protocol (OAI-PMH), which makes them visible in “deep web” search engines (e.g. OAIster, D9). In addition to accessing the archives directly from the Caltech CODA website, the major general web search engines (Google Scholar, Scopus, and MSN Search, among others) routinely index the site.

What is "CODA"?

"CODA" is an acronym for the Caltech Collection of Open Digital Archives, which contain Caltech's institutional collections for faculty research publications and other content supporting the mission of the Institute.

The mission of the Caltech Collection of Open Digital Archives is to collect, manage, preserve and provide global access over time to the scholarly output of the Institute and the publications of campus units.

CODA as a whole has been active since 2001.  CaltechAUTHORS and CaltechTHESIS are the largest and most dynamic repositories within CODA.

Some items have access restrictions. The largest class of material with access restricted to the Caltech campus are dissertations written since 1977, in cases where the author has not yet been contacted to secure permission for global distribution.The library responds to all requests for access by contacting the author or the author's heirs in pursuit of that permission.

Faculty Board charge to the Library

On March 16, 2009, the Faculty Board unanimously approved a motion that Caltech Faculty support the creation of the Caltech Collection, and that the library be charged to create and maintain this collection.

The Ad hoc Committee on Scholarly Output And Distribution recommended the following:

  • The Institute should create a Caltech Collection of the published scholarship and research of the Caltech community.
  • With the support and cooperation of the Caltech faculty, the library will collect into the Archive a record of all papers originating from Caltech.
  • The library will aim to acquire the final version of each paper and make it as freely available on the global [web] as the law allows.

Studies show that the increased visibility of openly accessible papers leads to greater uptake in a broad range of human activities. The committee believes that the establishment of a Caltech Collection is valuable because:

  • It fosters recognition for both authors and the institution;
  • It eases access to Caltech science and engineering;
  • It encourages barrier-free cross-disciplinary sharing and use.

In addition, implementation will be seamless: the necessary resources are already in place, and papers will be added to the collection using library procedures that are already being used.

(-- from the Caltech Faculty Board minutes of March 16, 2009)