The central branch of the Caltech Library, home to Access, Collection, and Research Services, reference and circulation assistance, study spaces, computers and printing services, course reserves, DocuServe, and numerous print collections.
Home to the Astrophysics print collections and study spaces.
Home to Caltech Library administration, digital library development staff, TechHub maker space, Vroman’s @ Caltech Library, Archives & Special Collections exhibit space, ninth floor study space, Caltech Hall camera, and numerous print collections.
Home to print collections for the division of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), reference services, study spaces, and computers and printing services.
Home to print collections for the division of Geology and Planetary Sciences (GPS), an extensive map collection, study spaces, and computers and printing services.
Home to Archives & Special Collections, rotating exhibits, audio visual and digital media collection, oral histories, manuscripts, books, texts, artifacts, and fine art.